Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A: Jooooooo seeetttaaaahhh

Josette: Oh, I love that name. i always love that name.
Josette: It's because she's a crapola. You know what dat means? It specific dialect from my village. It means she is a sexy lady who is, is somethang com-ple-kay in da brain.
A: So you are a crapola too, no?
Josette: Who say that!? Who tole you dat?
A: Beautiful lady... comple-kay brain'd.
Josette: Yeah, I am one too!!! AHA HAHA You right!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Who could forget me when I was young? I was crazy. Laughing. Dancing.
I was more crazy when I had a new dress- oh! I was so excited and sexy!
A: Tomorrow I go back to work in an office.
Josette: HA! Now you be like every body else!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

A: I dream of Benton!
Josette: NO! Well, he must be proud of you.
A: It was a family dinner, he came in, shook my hand, and sat down next to you.
Josette: Oooo, next to me?
A: Yeah. What did you dream?
Josette: Fight! But, I win.
A: With punches? Guns? Swords?
Josette: What?
A: With punches? Guns? Swords?
Josette: Non. With the mouth! I was screaming at my old boss, da guy I haaaate. B**** ape!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

(which watching the World Cup and cutting celery)

I never crazy about Dutch. I like Spain, I like those people. They no mean.