Friday, December 30, 2011

(A & J) are watching a silent film by Buster Keaton from 1920. Josette: It's a movie, but.... I see people stupid like dis in real life. Remind me of daddy. (smh, laughing). (beat) And me too.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

(putting stones into cup for PT) Sometime ma hand doesn't work right. (throwing more than one in) I cheat. (2 minutes pass. She looks to Wassim, her PT man) You gonna go dancing tonight? (W no response. 1 minute passes.) You know I getting tyired. My arms. You know I getting old. I'm eighty seven. (F laughing in the background) I'm so happy she laughing. (eye roll) W: Now she should eat with the right now, no option. Just use the right hand. F: Oh, wow, okay. Even if it's difficult or awkward. W: Yes. Josette: But what if I have to cut my steak. W: I want you to work on it. Now you should practice more and more and more and more, so you can get back to normal. Now it's not like it was 2 weeks ago. Now it's getting pretty good. F: God it amazes me that you can break a wrist, and it heals wrong, and you can still use the hand. W: It's not going to be normal, but it can work. Okay, squeeze my hand. Josette: HIIIIIII. See it hurts me there. W: Is she using her squishy ball? F: Yeah. W: That's very important. Josette: UHHHH W: Hurt? J: No W: Now squeeze with this hand. J: I got it. W: Now go back. J: I cannot do so much. W: You have to work to get your stregth back in this hand. Work more on your squishy ball. Hand me rubber band. He outs around her hand and teachers her how to expand it. W: Now, you must do this 100 times a day. J: 100?!!????
F: Andrew, when we leave we need to Josette: WHO F: (simultaneously) go to Target so I can Josette: WHAT. WHO! F: (simultanesouly) return those packing noodles. Josette: GO WHAR? F: Mom would you stop! Focus on your PT! It's just between me and Andrew, it's nothing serious! silence. J: (under her breath) I'm nosey. I'm curious.
J working with PT man. J: Guess what I dream last night! I dream of lobster. God she was good. It mean I have to buy lobster.
J sneezes. F and A busy writing xmas cards. No response. J: (eye roll) Tanks for the blessing, FEY FEY.
A walks into bedroom, Josette naked. SHOCK! GASP! ROARS OF LAUGHTER! Josette: BWWAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAA! My grandson saw the mastodon!