Sunday, August 29, 2010

Moment, Ondrew. Tell me sometank.

Monday, August 23, 2010

A: Yo boyfriend was just on DC.
Josette: WHO?
A: Ben Afflect.
Josette: Oh yeah, he gorgeous. But he has ma-loh-kia.
A: What's that?
Josette: Bad luck.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Everybody! They all laugh and look at me like I was pretty. God, I wonder what they would have thought when I was young-- dey would be fainting!

When I was at the club, people would look and look and look and look at me. How many times did I have a piece of paper, where da officer write me a little note!
Again! Obama always take da blue jet...
Josette: What day we are today?

A: Thursday.

Josette: Oh! Okay! I have to wake up at 5 in the morning tomorrow to watch my Jumong. You wake me up!

A: Oh yea!

Josette: Parfait! I set my TV to 451!
A: It be nice to go to Sud Kor-e-ah one day, yeah?

Josette: Oh yeah! I wanna go!

A: Yeah? Go to Seoul. Check into a nice hotel, eat a nice restaurant!

Josette: Yeah! You better chech wit da conceirge YOU do DAT! It be expensive!

A: But I want to go, I really do one day.

Josette: Why- I dunt understand dis- why do you always have to go somewhar, you neva stay in same place!

A: Why not? DC is boring. I go to Costa Rica in January.

Josette: Baaah! Not me!
Josette: Ondrew where is Mongolia? Is't near Sud Kor-e-an?

A: Nord o China. No, not too far. Why?

Josette: Well, today I watch ma show, and da pretty girl met her boyfriend from Mongolia! UH! Good looking guy!
Obama on vay-cation.. again! Paaaaaaa!
Josette: When are you going to find a nice girl?

A: One day.

Josette: I like how you say dat. Like Jimmy. "One day..."
The Bolivan was sooch a nice man. He say dey have corn DIS BIG! (stretches out her arms!)
(A is pouring her a glass a water and handing Josette vitamins)

Josette: Oh. You beautiful. ... but you know dat!

(time passes. Then, in one swoosh, A bring her an ice cream sandwich, lifts up the lever to the lazyboy chair, and tuck the remote next to her stomach)

Josette: Oh! Oh! My baby boy!

(A sits down next to her)

Josette: You know somethang, today the Bolivan told me I look so pretty for my age. He say I have no pimp or no too many wrinkles

A: You are beautiful. ... but you knew dat!

Josette: NO! I was...
Fifi I don't care what you god damn think! I want ma mo'nay!
(A burps)

Josette: Oh! My baby is full! I knew it! that mean yo stomach is foool. You kno- if you did dat in Sood-a'rahbia, dey love you. They dink dat complement!

(A burps again)

Josette: Oh! You do exactly like Leslie do!
(serving Polenta)

I think about my meme and my momma all day today. This is what we would always eat together...

Sunday, August 1, 2010

A and Josette are watching a south korean soap opera. A young man is sobbing and screaming.

A: Stupid he is!

Josette: No, I feel sorry for him. We you young, you make so many mistake.