Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A: You know something...I think you were a Korean in a past life. 
Josette: Are you crazy?!
A: Yeah, maybe! Maybe that's why you like their soap operas so much. 
Josette: Huh..well, yeah maybe. Yeah, it's possible. Maybe I was alive dere 600 years ago. (beat) Maybe I was a dancer. ... maybe I was one of the King's favorites...

A: Why don't you ever sound happy when you pick up the phone?
Josette: Because I don't know who it is! I change my voice, in case its a voo-doo witch. 

Sunday, January 3, 2010

L: Beast beast beast beast beast beast beast!
Josette: Oh, I love my Leslie. 
Golly she eat all dat and she gonna go poop tonight!!